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A Look Back at Coding for Global Goals Venture

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Submitted by Dawn

Congratulations, students, on such a wonderful end to the Coding for Global Goals venture. I'm proud and happy to share the results. Each student that started a micro:bit project finished their project, and submitted it to the do your :bit competition. There were some really wonderful student inventions that addressed the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These inventions include:

  • A mental-health checker to ask you questions to check in on your feelings
  • A medicine timer
  • A drinkable water sensor
  • A CO2 monitor for your car
  • A robot that can deliver vaccines
  • A Covid social-distancing monitor and health screener
  • An automated crawfish trap
  • A solar panel that turns to face the sun
  • A junk-food monitor to keep an eye on how many snacks you have
  • An exercise reminder for sedentary people
  • Shoes that charge your phone, coupled with a game to keep you active
  • A robotic trash cleaner for the ocean
  • A trash detector for a river
  • A snow-depth sensor

Quite an amazing assortment, isn't it? I'm extremely proud!

We engaged in global collaboration and learned about issues such as climate change, good health and well being, and hunger. We met with students from Ryan International School, Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates. Our kids had to zoom in at 9pm and they were just rockstars. All of the kids interacted positively and asked thoughtful questions. The students gave a very nice presentation about our school and our project, and listened attentively to the projects described from the kids in Sharjah. It was amazing how much we had in common.