Compass FIRST Lego League Completes a Fantastic Season
December 16th, 2019
Student AccomplishmentsTags:
Congratulations to the Compass FIRST Lego League teams for a fantastic season.
During first quarter, these students learned together in a Robotics venture, and then they continued as an intensive class during second quarter to prepare for competing. In FIRST Lego League, the students built and programmed robots to complete missions for points, and they created an innovation project to solve a community problem—all related to the theme of city planning.
Team #Moralsupport received a Judge’s Award (an honorable mention) at the Poudre tournament on November 16. Team Make This! received the first-place Champion award at the Liberty tournament on November 9, and they competed at the Colorado Championship on December 7. The students achieved a personal best score that day and represented Compass well.
All of the students learned about teamwork, community engagement, gracious professionalism, and STEM in a real context—tons of fun and learning went on. We are very proud to bring home our first competitive robotics trophies, with many more to come in the future! Congratulations to all teams!