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Intensive Highlight: WWII and The Cold War

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Bella K.’s stunning Space Race artwork for Bonnie’s Cold War intensive.

Bonnie finished up a unit on World War II by having Upper School students write opinion pieces about America’s dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This led into their next intensive on the Cold War where students first learned about the causes of the era, its essential effects, and how those historical events continue to influence modern society. As a culminating activity, students conducted mini-inquiries, researching one topic of interest in-depth. Students used a wide range of different presentation mediums to demonstrate their learning (now on Zoom)!

With behind the scenes help of his project partner, Tyler M, Davis L showcased his creative talents on the history of the KGB by making a video. Watch that here!

The history of the KGB as told by Davis.

Intensive Highlight: WWII and The Cold War

Another piece of Bella K.’s Space Race artwork.