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Compass Stories

A Home School Education

All over the world, whether in private chats or through viral memes, parents seem desperate to find out how to become a homeschool teacher, and my answer to this question is “you already are?”

Calls to Action from the Climate Films Venture

The decisions you make now will affect generations to come. Every trip in the car you take, every water faucet you turn on will have detrimental consequences on all of the life on earth. Be aware of your own habits and educate others on what they can do to reduce their environmental impact.

Compass Students Win No Barriers Challenge

Compass students won the Global Impact Challenge—and with it—a $5000 award! World-class educators from around the country applied to participate in the No Barriers and Wells Fargo project, a diversity and inclusion competition designed to spark the best ideas from students for building a world free of barriers, stereotypes and discrimination.

Does Animating a Budget Make it More Exciting?

Students in Emmanuelle’s Re-Animated venture are learning to make informative, animated public service announcements to help the City of Fort Collins educate the public about important, but possibly-less-than-thrilling topics.